Risk Assessment is a process of identification, assessment and controlling of hazards and risks or unsafe situations which may occur during execution of a planned activity. These hazards or risks, if not acted upon timely, may lead to accidents, property damage or physical injury.
During this assessment, the endeavour is to identify the actions, situations or processes which may cause risks, followed by evaluation of how likely and severe these risks are. Once this assessment is done, a list of effective measures which are to be taken to mitigate and eliminate the identified risks are examined and implemented.
“Last minute risk assessment’’ (LMRA) is intended to focus on the various activities. It shall be done by the line manager and HSE professional jointly. It helps to identify inherent hazards that might have been missed during the preparation of the original risk assessment of that particular task or which may have developed during the course of the task.
Prior to commencing any works in the shop floor or construction sites, on service assignments. on commissioning services or on maintenance jobs, the employee shall check if all related hazards have been identified and preventive and protective measures have been implemented.
LMRA must be completed every working day prior to each shift and task.
The goal of the LMRA IS to strengthen the employees’ awareness of safety at work. The LMRA benefits from the knowledge and skills of each employee employed. This helps to prevent injuries to the employees.
Below table shows the process of doing the LMRA :
How to do the LMRA?
Sample of LMRA is also given for reference. Results
Results and case studies show that if LMRA is done effectively, it can surely mitigate the inherent risks associated with the activities by taking effective control measures due to the changes in the last moment.
Indranil Chakraborty